Click on any of the links below to view details of the service offering...
Total Lawn Care Program Turf laying
Weed Control
Commercial Grounds Maintenance
Seasonal Pruning
Hedge Trimming
Patio & driveway power jet cleaning
Garden Clearance
Green waste removal
Shed Maintenance
I think most people would agree that a healthy, lush and well
looked after lawn really lifts any garden. To keep it in that sort of condition throughout the seasons takes
a lot of work!
So to help keep your lawn thriving, I have put together three packages (Gold, Silver and Bronze) to
suit all budgets. Settlement can be made as a one off payment or, to spread the cost, you can set up a monthly direct debit
to run over the twelve month period.
- Remove dead leaves from lawn
- If appropriate mow lawn on a high setting
- Check for
early signs of disease and apply a moss killer if present
- Apply a weed and feed treatment
- Rake lawn to break up any runners of plants such as Clover and remove any dead moss/thatch
- Brush away worm casts to avoid bare patches where weeds can
- Scarify and aerate
- Apply Autumn feed
- Remove dead leaves from lawn
- If appropriate mow lawn on a high setting
- Check for
early signs of disease and apply a moss killer if present
- Re-define
Lawn edging
- Apply a weed and feed treatment
- Rake lawn to break up any runners of plants such as Clover and remove any dead moss/thatch
- Mow, trim and edge lawn
- Light rake of lawn to control Clover spread etc
- Spot treat weeds that have survived earlier treatment
- Shallow depth aeration of topsoil to aid irrigation and gas exchange
- Health check of Lawn. Apply weedkiller if Clover, Pearlwort, Yarrow
etc appear
- Brush away worm casts to avoid bare patches where weeds can invade
- Scarify and aerate
- Apply
Autumn feed
- Remove dead leaves from lawnIf appropriate
mow lawn on a high setting
- Check for early signs of
disease and apply a moss killer if present
- Re-define Lawn
- Apply a weed and feed treatment
- Rake lawn to break up any runners of plants such as Clover and remove any dead moss/thatch
- Mow, trim and edge lawn
- Light rake of lawn
to control Clover spread etc
- Spot treat weeds that have survived
earlier treatment
- Shallow depth aeration of topsoil to aid
irrigation and gas exchange
- Health check of Lawn. Apply weedkiller if Clover, Pearlwort, Yarrow etc appear
- Brush away worm casts to avoid bare patches where weeds
can invade
- Scarify and aerate
- Apply Autumn feed
- Apply
Top dressing
See table below for pricing options...
Up to 50m²
Up to 100m²
Up to 150m²
One off payment = £60 or 12 DD payments = £5 pcm
One off payment
= £90 or 12 DD payments = £7.50 pcm
One off payment = £120 or 12 DD payments = £10
One off payment = £90 or 12 DD payments
= £7.50 pcm
One off payment = £120 or 12 DD payments = £10
One off payment = £150 or 12 DD payments = £12.50
One off payment = £90 or 12 DD payments = £7.50
One off payment = £120 or 12 DD payments = £10
One off payment = £150 or 12 DD payments = £12.50
pcm + top dressing at £4.50 per 10m²
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Laying a new lawn is all in the preparation and we don't
cut corners! As with a lot of plants, grass needs water retentive but but well drained fertile soil. This sounds
contradictive I know but what it means is a balanced soil with good structure which allows water to cling to small spaces
(which can then be taken up by roots), and drain from larger spaces which creates air pockets also needed by plant roots.
We will asses your soil structure and advise on any action that may need to be taken (normally working in a good bulky organic
compost will help heavy clay or light sandy soils).
We then ensure that levelling is done correctly, removing any
stones larger than 10mm before working the top two inches into a good fine tilth, often adding a quality sandy loam to guarantee
that the turf beds down properly. Before laying the turf (which we do using techniques that allow the turfs to knit together
neatly and quickly) we add a lawn establishment fertiliser packed with all the nutrients the grass needs to promote healthy
vigorous growth.
We only use quality turf from a source which is harvested the night before we need it. This causes
the least amount of stress to the turf prior to laying. Finally we back up our work with two visits (one after two weeks and
a second after a further two weeks) to ensure the new lawn is progressing correctly.

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My mum used to say that a weed is any plant that is in the wrong place.
A weed in a general sense is a plant that is considered by the user of the term to be a nuisance in their garden, often due
to their prevalent spreading habit by means of self seeding, rhizomes or stolons.
Japanese knotweed (Fallopia
japonica) must be one of the more infamous examples. These are rhizomatous plants. Their reddish shoots emerge in spring
and grow rapidly up to 3 m tall. The roots can extend to a depth of 2 m. In the autumn, when the shoots are killed by frost,
food reserves are translocated down to the stout rhizomes. These form a deep mat and can be more than 1 m deep and 15-20 m
long. The rhizomes form pinkish nodules in early spring from which shoots develop in April. The previous stems may still be
present as the new shoots emerge and can persist for 12 months or more.
Gardeners will be more familiar with Bindweed
(Convolvulus) which is also a rhizomatous plant. Whilst not in the same league as Japanese Knotweed, it is still
a nuisance with a capital 'N' in the garden!
Keeping on top of weeds requires short but regular weeding
sessions. If you do not have the time or struggle to keep up with these tasks then Dorset Roots
can help. Contact us to discuss a schedule of visits to suit your budget to help keep your garden free of weeds that are not
only unsightly but compete with your cultivated plants for nutrients and sun light.
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We understand fully how important it is to create a good impression
for customers visiting your business premises. The grounds surrounding your business play a huge part in creating that positive
Whatever your business, if you have lawns, flower beds or container plants, Dorset
Roots will ensure your grounds are kept to a professionally high standard at a very competative rate. Please
contact us to discuss further.
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Understanding how and when to prune plants, trees and shrubs will go
a long way towards keeping them healthy, vigorous and free from structural weakness. This in turn keeps the risk of disease
to a minimum. Pruning and training plants can also have an influence on their natural appearance, produce more flowers, foliage
and increasing crop harvests.
Contact us for all your pruning needs and we promise that in the unlikely event we
do not know the exact requirements of the plant in question, we will not let our secateurs near it until we do!
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There are many different types of hedge which serve different purposes
and effects. There are informal hedges which could be just a screen of small trees or shrubs. Semi-formal hedges such
as Laurel, and formal hedges like conifers with their neat close cut.
Apart from their appearance they have uses
such as acting as boundaries or shelter from wind, noise or strong sun. Or provide food and shelter to wildlife.
There are many different hedge varieties which all have a right way and time to prune. Hedges with glossy leaves
such as Laurel should be pruned with secateurs, cutting just above a node and prefferably back within the foliage canopy
to disguise the pruning wounds. If trimmed with a hedge trimmer, leaves will be damaged and unsightly browning ocurrs.
For flowering and fruiting hedges, the time of year to prune can be vital so as not to ruin next seasons display.
Dorset Roots can help you decide which hedge to grow if you are
looking to start from scratch, and help establish the new hedge with correct intial training. We can maintain your established
hedge by correct pruning methods, and where possible help renovate a hedge that has been neglected.
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No offence to domestic appliances but they simply don't have the
power to clean like the professional cleaning equipment we use to get your patio or driveway looking like it
has just been laid!
If you have a patio that has weak pointing due to the elements and natural ageing, there is
a risk that some will pop out due to the power of the jet cleaner. We will assess this risk and talk to you before we commence
cleaning. If you want your patio repointed we can do that too!
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As for wooden sheds, fencing needs regular maintenance to keep it in
good condition. Whether it is a complete new fence you need, repairs or painting with a wood preservative, contact us
for a quote.
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If you have a garden that is completely overrun, getting it back into
shape is a task that can be a daunting one! Whether you want the garden to be revived back to its original condition or completely
cleared ready for re-design, contact us and we will give your garden a new lease of life!
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We remove all green waste from work we have carried out at a clients
property and ensure that we leave the premises at least as tidy as when we arrived. This includes plant material
(as you would expect) but also left over soil and stone from any landscaping work we may have carried out. Where possible
this waste is recycled.
However, you may have worked on a large project in your garden and have an amount of waste
that is simply too much to contemplate car journeys to public recycling facilities. Contact us and we can give you
a free quote for removing it for you. When you consider that an average price for a skip is around £160, we think you
will be pleasantly suprised!
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If you are lucky enough to have room for a shed in your garden you
will know how useful they are! As well as storage for garden tools, mine is used as a workshop and a potting shed for all
my seed sowing and cuttings before moving them into the greenhouse. But if you think that your shed can just sit there and
take all that nature has to throw at it, you would of course be wrong.
If your shed has succumb to the elements
we can help with the following...
• Roof felt replacement • Where possible, replacement of rotten
wood such as in window frames • Annual wood treatment (which now comes in a large variety of colours)
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